We believe every child is unique and we want to provide an environment that nurtures and growth with them and their personalities. We want to help them grow and evolve into our future generations through creativity, leadership, passion and kindness. The arts is a place we can all come together. 

three spotlights


The meaning behind Lumi is finding your light. In the theatre, we always want to find our light. Not just mentally and spiritually but also physically. When performing, you always want to find your light and be seen. So in finding my name for my studio, I wanted it to revolve around light. When I close my eyes, I love dreaming of being under the stage lights. It a safe place that takes you away from the world and into a beautiful creative place.

Luminaries means: a person who inspires or influences others. Which resounds so much with what we do in the theatre. We inspire others through story telling and influence our audiences by the stories we bring to life. Lumi is short for luminaries.

Luminaries is also a European term for lanterns which are stage lights. I want Lumi to be a place for students to find and step into their light on or off stage.


planting the seed of excitement, passion and love


providing the foundation and skills to purse their passion


watching the rising star step into the light! The world is their stage!